Consultants, Contractors and Freelancers

Consultants and freelancers are more valuable working together than individually.


CBRIC facilitates a secure and optimum collaboration system between consultants. In the Intelligence Collaboration System, consultants get to share clients, knowledge, research, design, networks, and suppliers. Consultants retain ownership of their clients but benefit from additional value provided by other consultants. Opportunities from clients of other consultants are proactively pursued through the collaboration system and opened to the participating consultants while taking care also to protect trade secrets.


CBRIC believes consultants and freelancers are key to the success of the future enterprise. The future enterprise will be highly efficient in accessing, analyzing and utilizing information for the benefit of its network of participating consultant and client businesses.


Click here or go to contact us and send us an email about your consultancy. Better yet, send us a copy of your latest resume highlighting your accomplishments and projects you have either lead or participated in.